How to use Meudon white

To continue our series of articles on eco-friendly, versatile household products, today we'd like to introduce you to Meudon white.

Where does Meudon white come from?
Used for centuries, Meudon white comes from the Meudon region of France. However, since 1925, the Meudon quarries have no longer been exploited. Today, it is also known as Spanish white, Troyes white, Toulouse white and Champagne white, in reference to the mining region from which the product was extracted.

Composed of very fine minerals, blanc de Meudon is natural and biodegradable. It is also non-toxic to humans and the environment. Its main component is calcium carbonate (CaCO3), an ingredient found in limestone and chalk.

Due to its composition, it is found in the form of a fine white powder, and has the property of being slightly abrasive, absorbent and weakly alkaline. Versatile, it is an economical product, as it can be used for many tasks around the home.

blanc de meudon

Cleaning and polishing
Slightly abrasive, Meudon white is perfect for cleaning and polishing. For example, you can use it on glass, silver, stainless steel, copper, brass, pewter, glass ceramics and even plastic!

To clean and polish, simply lightly humidify the desired surface, apply the Meudon white, rub gently with a sponge or soft cloth and rinse with water. If you prefer, you can also form a paste to use on the surface(s) to be cleaned and polished.

How to make a clay stone:
Here's an easy recipe for making homemade clay stone, which will last you for months!

- 90g Meudon white soap
- 60 ml black soap
- 1 tablespoon soda crystals
- Optional: a few drops of essential oils. We prefer essential oils with washing power, such as lemon.

Mix all ingredients and place in a wide-mouthed, shallow container. Leave to dry for 3 days or until completely dry (best place is in direct sunlight or near a heat source).


Stain remover
Meudon white is also a stain remover. To activate this property, make a paste of Meudon white and vinegar. Apply the paste to the stain, leave for 15 minutes or so, then rub. Once the stain is gone, you can simply put it in the washing machine.


Peinture blanc de Meudon


One of the uses of Meudon white is to make glass and mirror paint. This paint is ideal for Christmas or any other special occasion.

To make this paint, simply mix two parts Meudon white with one part water. If you find the mixture too thick, you can add more water and vice versa. Then use brushes, stencils or your fingers to create your work! To clean up, just wipe off with a soft, dry cloth, leaving your windows and mirrors clean and shiny!

You can also use this paint to decorate your Christmas tree with artificial snow using a spray bottle.

Non-toxic, you can even use this paint as Halloween make-up to turn your children into ghosts or zombies. As with all new products applied to the skin, we recommend testing beforehand to ensure that no adverse reactions occur.


Other information
As this is a powdered product, it is important to store it in a dry place to avoid alteration.

In addition, as with any new product, we advise you to test it on an inconspicuous area to ensure that it's being used properly and that it reacts as you expect.

Finally, like all household products, natural or otherwise, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Ecologically yours,


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