A responsible consumption resource centre

Christmas and the Earth

  It's almost Christmas ! Boom, crack, pow! That's it, we're there. The holiday season is coming. This period when for most of us joy and magic takes hold. Children...

A Christmas thought for the year 2000? Let's go green!

We are in the 2000s, traditions and knowledge are slowly evolving towards something more current. During the year that is coming to an end, we have heard so much information...

You probably have everything you need for free, eco-friendly Halloween decorations!

  The holidays, no matter which one, are a “gold mine” for an environmentalist like me to take to the front lines. In today's society, it is obvious that celebration...

How to make Earth Day a daily occurrence

 Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970 . Today, there are more than 190 countries and one billion people mobilizing on this specific...

Go beyond chocolate for Easter

    Like all holidays, Easter is no exception when it comes to overconsumption. We covered the topic for Christmas and Halloween and have already made it to Easter. A...

Valentine's Day: When romance rhymes with ecology

  We have seen it for the Christmas festivities, the holidays have a significant ecological impact! Regardless of your preferences or those of the person with whom you want to...

Black Friday madness

Here is an event which also marks the apogee of consumer culture in the society in which we live. We can certainly understand that when we have a need for...

White Christmas... and green!

  Yep, we've barely had time to eat a Halloween candy or two before the stores bring out the Christmas paraphernalia. The next few weeks will be busy with advertising...

Practical tips: Ecological Halloween

  Halloween is a holiday that children and many adults love! It’s actually the second most celebrated holiday in the country! Like all holidays, there was a certain slippage in...