Un noël repensé pour année 2000 ? Soyons écolos !

A Christmas thought for the year 2000? Let's go green!

christmas thoughts let's be green!

We are in the 2000s, traditions and knowledge are slowly evolving towards something more current.

During the year that is coming to an end, we have heard so much information concerning, among other things, climate change and the overconsumption of plastic.

It's high time to update a little in the way we plan, organize and experience the holiday season.

The idea behind all this is certainly not to experience a dreary, brown and flat Christmas. Quite the contrary!

Between excessive shopping, the stress of spending and time, the creation of false needs and the panoply of irritants that come with "traditions" which are invasive and do not allow us to live in the present moment, there is certainly some strategies to adopt to experience a different and more ecological holiday season!

ecological parties

What if we took a step back, to better move forward?

Of course here we are not talking about the religious aspects which are linked to the Holiday season and which are specific to each person. It's a question of bringing this back to a celebration on a human scale. Where the gift takes up little or no space at all. Where time and the promiscuity of loved ones are placed in the center of the room.

A current and reinvented holiday season

One may want to take advantage of the occasion and continue the tradition of giving gifts. There is nothing wrong with giving, quite the contrary! In this case, the notions of “what” and “how much” become essential. Especially when it comes to physical gifts.

What can I offer that respects my ecological values?

In our opinion, there are two main families of gifts that we can offer. There are those that we do ourselves (DIY) or local and ecological purchases. This seems restrictive at first glance but believe us the choices are endless. We'll give you some ideas. You can also refer to Pinterest for a nice variety.


Ecological DIY

We all have hidden talents... and even when they are very hidden, we can do a few things with our hands and take the trouble to put a lot of love into it. To give you some ideas, here is a non-exhaustive list to inspire you a little.

  • To render service,
  • Prepare a meal of choice or a treat to enjoy,
  • Renovate a piece of furniture for its owner,
  • Mend a beloved item of clothing,
  • Create an activity, a game, a family activity or between friends,
  • Collect a virtual photo album and present it.


Locally, we have extraordinary artisans who offer us a spectacular variety. Among these, some will also work in an ecological manner. There is also a whole network of second-hand stores. Here is also a non-exhaustive list of what you could offer.

  • Browse thrift stores and second-life stores to find used gifts,
  • Make toy exchanges with acquaintances who have children similar in age to yours,
  • Offer items promoting a zero waste daily approach: reusable snack bags, drying balls, fruit and vegetable bags, etc.
  • Offer books by Quebec authors,
  • Offer ecological and Quebec clothing and accessories ,
  • Choose quality objects, which will last over time and whose end of life will have little impact on the environment (e.g. biodegradable, natural fiber, etc.).

If we move away from the tradition of giving a physical gift, there are a series of possible gifts that are absolutely brilliant and can promote rapprochement between the people involved.

  • Rental of a chalet or house exchange,
  • Rental of sports equipment: racket, skate, tube, etc.,
  • Passes to a series of diverse centers: trampoline, surfing, Imax, Cinema...,
  • A sports, artistic or cultural course,
  • Subscription to a web magazine or virtual radio channel.

What to do on New Year's Eve or Christmas Day

local and ecological

You may want something more traditional like a meal with family and friends. We may also want to experience something different that will put time spent together and sharing at the center of the table! All of the following can be done alone, with family and friends.

  • Plan a time at a senior center where several of them are alone. Bring various games to play with them,
  • Invite one or more people you know from near or far and who are alone,
  • Make food together to take it to people in need or to a non-profit organization,
  • Plan a moment of volunteering like for Nez Rouge for example,
  • Prepare small homemade gifts and take them around your neighborhood,
  • Rent a cart and go see the Christmas decorations. If the cart is not possible, do it on foot,
  • Put on your skates and go on one of the nature trails,
  • Go sliding with the family.

Basically, to do something different and more ecological with our holiday season, we will keep the following 3 sentences in mind:

  1. Quality takes precedence over quantity,
  2. Buy less and buy better,
  3. Do you really need it? Or does he really need it?

With this in mind, and a lot of love, a lot of love (it's free and ecological!), we can experience something magical whose values ​​conveyed will be wonderful!

If you want more ecological inspiration related to the holiday season, check out our article White Christmas... and green!

We wish you a wonderful holiday season, surrounded by your loved ones and as natural as possible!

Ecologically yours,

eco loco



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