A responsible consumption resource centre

impact écologique choix biologiques

Why make organic choices?

  When we refer to biological, we directly refer to everything that relates to life, to living organisms. Organic farming, for its part, is based on the valorization of natural...

Fête écologique zéro déchet Pâques

Go beyond chocolate for Easter

    Like all holidays, Easter is no exception when it comes to overconsumption. We covered the topic for Christmas and Halloween and have already made it to Easter. A...

Vêtement éthique vêtement écologique

Working conditions in the clothing industry

Here's why Eco Loco does the research for you and why our Clothing for Her section only contains ecological AND ethical clothing! We know you've heard about it before! We...

achats éthiques écologiques

How ethical purchasing can change the world?

  This is a great question that deserves attention! When we talk about ethics, we talk about values ​​and when we talk about values, we talk about divergence. This is,...

tissu écologique laine écologique

Is wool environmentally ecological?

  Breeding and shearing sheep to obtain their wool is not new! The first records of its use date from 1600 BC in the northern countries of Europe. But is...

vêtement écologique, garde-robe responsable

5 tips for a responsible wardrobe

  There are still few people who can boast of having an ecological, sustainable and responsible wardrobe. We invite everyone to aspire to this. Not only will this make your...

économie circulaire vêtement écologique

The beauty of the circular economy in clothing.

  The notion of circular economy is relatively new. Starting from the classic concept of the linear economy which has significant environmental impacts by promoting the waste of raw resources,...

Zéro déchet

Zero waste: a great philosophy to adopt!

As we saw in the 3R-V, waste reduction is the first element to consider when talking about responsible consumption. Over the past decades, a lot of emphasis has been placed...

St-Valentin écologique

Valentine's Day: When romance rhymes with ecology

  We have seen it for the Christmas festivities, the holidays have a significant ecological impact! Regardless of your preferences or those of the person with whom you want to...

écologie agir

The immobility of those who know

Be careful, this article is not scientific! It's more of a personal observation. A deplorable observation of the inaction of those who know, of those who know the impact of...

coloration teinture textile écologique

Textile coloring

When considering the ecological impact of a garment, we must take into account all phases of its life cycle. That is to say, its cultivation, its harvest or its extraction,...

lin tissu écologique

Linen: a sought-after textile

Linen, in addition to being the oldest textile fiber used, is one of the most ecological fabrics. Made in Europe, although put aside for some time, linen is certainly a...

achat local, vêtement écologique

Buying local: it's not just about food!

It is known that the consequence of globalization and international trade is that our stores are overflowing with products from far away, sometimes very far away, and often sold at...

Lyocell, Tencel, Textile écologique

Lyocell: one of the most ecological textiles

    Today, we present to you one of our favorite textiles because it meets high ecological standards and also because it is resistant and so comfortable. This is a...

consommation responsable

Black Friday madness

Here is an event which also marks the apogee of consumer culture in the society in which we live. We can certainly understand that when we have a need for...

Noel ecoresponsable ecologique vert

White Christmas... and green!

  Yep, we've barely had time to eat a Halloween candy or two before the stores bring out the Christmas paraphernalia. The next few weeks will be busy with advertising...