Fresco : le sac de conservation de légumes

Fresco: the vegetable storage bag


Fresco the vegetable storage bag

Food is worth gold. We don't always realize it because we may take it for granted here, but that's not the case. You might as well take good care of it!

I don’t know about you but I’m literally allergic to food waste in my home! This becomes a challenge when we do not have regular access to fresh foods or even during the winter months which do not give us access to such fresh vegetables!

We saw in a previous article that the figures on food waste are staggering and we mentioned in another article some tips and tricks to avoid this waste .

Here, we present to you in more depth the Fresco, a vegetable storage bag that we created and which has changed the way we manage our vegetables here.

A vegetable storage bag created entirely here

Fresco made in Quebec

I am very proud to tell you that I created this bag by promoting the local economy. Besides the fact that we don't have any raw materials for textiles here, everything else is made here. Even the organic cotton fabric and labels!

Why does the storage bag work?

When we pick or buy a vegetable, it continues its life. While living, it continues to breathe and exchange moisture with the environment.

Since we wet the bag, the humidity and composition of the bag create a cool environment allowing plants to breathe. Unlike plastic bags and containers, this 100% natural fiber vegetable storage bag allows the elimination of ethylene, the gas responsible for rotting, as well as humidity control.

With which vegetables is it effective?


Fesco vegetable storage bag


The variety is very great! Lettuce, even cut, will be crunchy for up to two weeks! Carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, kale and many more! The only vegetable that doesn't work, and it's a very finicky one, is coriander!

The Fresco, vegetable storage bag is very easy to use and very effective. The only thing to remember is to keep it moist at all times !

Here are the steps of use:

1. We wash the vegetables


Fresco: we wash the vegetables

2. Let them drain



Fresco: let the vegetables drain

3. We can cut them or not



Fresco: may or may not cut vegetables


4. Wet the bag and twist it


Fresco: wet the bag and twist it

5. We put the vegetables in



Fresco: put the vegetables in

6. Hop in the fridge


IMPORTANT : After a few days, your bag will slowly dry out. It is important to moisten it again. To do this, open it, put water in it with the vegetables and stir it so that the water goes on the fabric of the bag and that's it.


Steps for Fresco Storage Bag


We are proud and love Fresco! Not only does this vegetable storage bag make it easier to manage our precious vegetables, but it also allows us to prepare them in advance, ready to eat! Saving time and money to spend better time with ours!

Ecologically yours,


eco loco




Bonjour, est-il préférable de mettre les sacs dans les bacs à légumes du frigo? Merci!

Eco Loco

Wow! Merci Isabelle pour le beau commentaire. On le prend à bras ouverts :)

Diane, pour entretenir le sac, vous pouvez simplement le laver à la machine et à l’eau froide. Ce qui abîme considérablement les fibres est la sécheuse. Donc, suspendre pour sécher! Et ne pas utiliser d’assouplissant. Non seulement cela brise le tissu mais empêche le sac de bien faire son travail.

Bon appétit


Comment entretenir le sac Fresco (nettoyage) pour qu’il reste beau longtemps?

Isabelle Thibeault

Je viens de recevoir mes sacs! Hâte de les utiliser et de voir les résultats. Chez nous aussi la conservation des légumes au frigo reste un défis.

Merci à Geneviève, son emballage hyper zéro déchet ☺️ et son mot personnalisé, je suis déjà séduite! ❤️

Merci à vous pour tout


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