Free ?
Yes. Yes. 100% free.
I know that what I am about to write might provoke a reaction. I didn't discover anything. Quite the contrary. Like many things we think are innovative, it's actually a very old technique. An old strategy or recipe from Grandma.
So today I'm talking about something that I tested and approved. Which I use in my washer, which washes well and smells clean.

This technique, which has been used for a long time, allows us to have a 100% ecological and economical clothing soap: soap made from plant ash.
This isn't magic, it's chemistry. Plant ash contains potassium. It is a chemical cleansing compound, just like soda.
Although there are several different potash contents among plants, it seems that this does not influence the cleaning power. So any plant ash will do the job.
An easy technique
What you need to get started:
- A few cups of sifted ash
- 2 times more water than ash
- A large cauldron or boiler
- 1 or 2 dish towels
- A colander
- Another clean container
- A clean reused bottle
So let's get started!
In the best of all worlds, we settle in a well-ventilated place, ideally outside.
- We make sure that our ash is well sifted and that there are no pieces left in it (you will appreciate this when the time comes to filter!).
- Depending on the size of our container and the quantity of ash we have, we add 2 cups of ash per liter of water.
- Mix and leave to macerate for 48 hours, taking care to stir every 6 to 8 hours.
- We place our two dishcloths in a colander and filter the preparation into the 2nd container. We let our liquid settle and if there is any ash remaining, we filter it again. The resulting liquid will be more or less soapy to the touch depending on the type of ash used.
- Pour the liquid into a clean bottle and use about 100 ml per load.

That's it!
Some suggest adding essential oil to the liquid. We do not recommend it. Essential oils are very concentrated (therefore requiring a lot of plants, therefore arable land) and will be very little, if at all, effective.
The remaining ash can go to the compost or even better directly into your garden. Potash is also a fertilizer!
What do you say about this recipe? Are you giving it a try? It's worth it.
Ecologically yours,