A responsible consumption resource centre

Care of reusable hygiene products

The cleaning of washable hygiene products worries many consumers who are undertaking a change in their consumption habits. They often wonder if it's complicated, time-consuming or even disgusting.

Sodium PERcarbonate: a precious ally

    Are you really put off by the smell and composition of bleach? Are you looking for a healthy solution for you and the environment to whiten your bedding,...

Clothes soap: 100% free

  Free ? Yes. Yes. 100% free. I know that what I am about to write might provoke a reaction. I didn't discover anything. Quite the contrary. Like many things...

Marseille soap: a must!

  As seen in a previous article warning about household products , there are a multitude of this type of product on the market. With the aim of reducing our...

How can we reduce the release of plastic microparticles from synthetic garments?

  It is increasingly documented: clothing, not only through its design but also through its maintenance, has a major impact on the environment. We can refer to water, energy and...

Specific care for wool garments

  Wool has exceptional characteristics of its own that allow it to adapt to a wide variety of weather conditions. We will like to wear wool because it has the...

Small ecological terminology dictionary on clothing

    The world of clothing contains a whole arsenal of terms to define it. When we add a notion of ecology to clothing, the variety of the lexicon only...

Can a t-shirt cost $3.50?

Let's be honest, ok? We cannot foresee for a fraction of a second that a new cotton t-shirt could be sold at $3.50 each. However, do your research, it does...

An incentive to wash your new clothes

  A few days ago, an acquaintance had an allergic reaction to a new item of clothing. She had a blood irritation in her armpits. She had just bought a...

A textile made from orange peel: it's close to perfection!

Here is an initiative that attracts our attention and delights us! Today there are ways of making textiles that are completely unexpected and so commendable. You may be surprised to...

A dairy textile: We don't know what to think!

We never stop innovating and this is also true in the textile industry. For several reasons and in different forms, there is research and development today to find ecological textiles....

Ecological dry-cleaning clothing?

  We may make a choice of ecological clothing , one which is made in the best conditions and which has the least possible impact during its design, the fact...

Is silk ecological? Yes and no, and we'll tell you why!

Silk is a 100% natural textile fiber of animal origin. Its fiber comes from a cocoon made by a caterpillar ( mulberry bombyx ) which is generally called the silkworm....

Is wool environmentally ecological?

  Breeding and shearing sheep to obtain their wool is not new! The first records of its use date from 1600 BC in the northern countries of Europe. But is...

Textile coloring

When considering the ecological impact of a garment, we must take into account all phases of its life cycle. That is to say, its cultivation, its harvest or its extraction,...

Linen: a sought-after textile

Linen, in addition to being the oldest textile fiber used, is one of the most ecological fabrics. Made in Europe, although put aside for some time, linen is certainly a...