Eco-anxiety: turn it into an asset!



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eco anxiety an asset


We read it, we hear it everywhere, mainly among young people under 35, but all generations are affected. Anxiety, fear, anguish linked to the quality of our environment which puts us at risk.

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion that can affect the body and mind simultaneously. This emotion triggered by the perception of possible danger.

When we perceive a threat, our body activates and we feel different physical symptoms: muscular tension, respiratory and cardiac acceleration, etc.

More precisely, eco anxiety is a state of distress, sometimes profound, caused by the perception of irreversible changes in the environment. This is therefore a major concern linked to current environmental issues.

environmental issues
Is it healthy?

To some extent, eco anxiety is completely healthy. Let me explain: in an anxious state, our body is ready to react to danger. When experienced in moderation, anxiety proves to be a valuable asset:

  • Sharpens the senses
  • Refines reflexes
  • Increases alertness
  • Makes you more efficient in certain tasks.
  • Allows you to adapt to the dangers of your environment
Actions to use this anxiety

Obviously here, we give ideas on ways to use or counter eco-anxiety. We are not mental health specialists and are referring here to experiences with moderate eco-anxiety.

need help Tel-jeunes and Suicide action

Disturbing information galore

Too much is like not enough ! We know that climate change is happening. It is therefore not necessary to feed ourselves and turn all our attention only on this kind of news and be able to identify the good news that arises on this subject.

Get involved concretely

As we said earlier, in a state of anxiety, the body is ready to react.

It is therefore an opportunity to use it as a driving force to act and engage concretely in actions as well as to participate in a collective movement. This can be done, for example, by making commitments with yourself to reduce your ecological impact (e.g.: consuming less meat, moving towards a zero-waste lifestyle, using active transport, etc.).

This can also be done by engaging in collective movements (e.g. actions of a non-profit organization, political actions, demonstrations, etc.) and getting together with people who experience similarities.

our values ​​and ecology

Living in accordance with our values

All daily actions allow us to affirm our values ​​and take concrete action in response to climate change. Not only do they have an impact on eco-anxiety but also allow us to be inviting models to change the consumption habits of the people we meet .

By focusing on the present moment and on the concrete actions that you can take, it is possible to manage the multiple uncertainties linked to the future.

Obviously, we all have a role to play in the sustainability of the environment as an adequate living environment for the living beings of this beautiful planet! I invite you to use anxiety as a driving force for constructive actions. If you have strategies that work for you, leave them in the comments: they might be useful for others!

Ecologically yours,


eco loco


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