Camping écoresponsable

Eco-responsible camping

eco-responsible campsite

Vacation time is coming and camping is the choice that many people make to have a great time.

Many people believe that camping and eco-responsibility are closely linked.

It is an ideal to achieve but it is not entirely or always the reality, sometimes it is even the opposite.

Elements increasing the ecological footprint when camping

Obviously, if we calculate the carbon footprint of a shift in a recreational vehicle, when you carry a comfortable mobile home with you, you are far from simply traveling by car.

It is easy to understand, given the high fuel consumption, that the ecological footprint will be high.

ecological footprint camping

Then, if we are not regular camping enthusiasts, it goes without saying that the equipment base necessary (tent, sleeping bag, cooking element, etc.) are objects which sometimes have a significant ecological footprint.

This may be all the more true if we do not intend to make them on a regular basis, then it is likely that lower quality choices, reducing the number of uses of objects, will increase the ecological footprint.

Being on vacation is a continuum of action or relaxation, depending on the type of person you are.

Some people who crave idleness will tend to generate a lot of waste . For example, they can buy disposable dishes so they don't have to wash them, get over-packaged prepared foods or bottled water. All this waste while camping, and in everyday life, certainly increases the ecological footprint.

Finally, camping generally means being close to natural environments. Natural environments are full of biodiversity with a fragile balance that is sensitive to change.

We therefore draw your attention to maintenance products (example: dish soap) and body products (examples: sunscreen, shampoo and mosquito repellent). Many popular products are not biodegradable and contain ingredients that are persistent and weaken the ecosystem.

zero waste products

Obviously, when it comes to the distraction and pleasure sought through motorsports , it goes without saying that they all have a significant ecological impact on carbon footprint and biodiversity which is avoidable.

Some tips and tricks for reducing your ecological footprint while camping

There are a range of small and big decisions that can reduce our ecological footprint when camping.

  • Promote more eco-responsible travel : small cars, public transport and active transport. Cycling camping is a great way to visit, keep fit and have a reduced ecological impact.
  • If you want to experience camping or do it once in a while, it is best to borrow or rent the necessary equipment .
  • For everything relating to cleaning and body products, in general, simplicity through a reduced number of ingredients is represented by a reduced risk for you and for the environment. Also, it is better to dispose of dirty water in the ground (filtration) than directly in watercourses.
  • A tip for reducing waste : prepare, bring what you need and make every moment, including doing the dishes, an event and take the time to do things.

We have created a ''secret'' collection in our store for the little things that will make the difference in your camping experience and help you reduce your ecological impact!


ecological camping


Ecologically yours,

eco loco


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